What I Did for Them


Identified Business Needs & Targets

I worked with the executive team to identify their short and long-term business, product, and fundraising goals. I then helped them digest those needs and the dev team's plans into concrete product plans.

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Created a Product Roadmap

Then I worked with product leads from each of the tech teams and interviewed automakers to understand the technology and identify product priorities & requirements. I mapped these against milestones.

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Designed and Prototyped MVP

Taking strategy & user needs into account, I created a UI/UX Design Paradigm for self-driving car mapping, the UI/UX wireframes, and managed a visual design team to create a Visual Design Style and final Prototypes with walkthroughs.

Design Process Excerpts


The Results


Ready for Market

Civil Maps can now take the complete product experience and position themselves as a world-class brand against incumbents in the space.

Designs Empower Product & Sales

The product roadmap and designs created a framework for R&D and product team thinking. In addition, the designs gave the sales and marketing teams collateral.

Speed Innovation and R&D

The self-driving car space is extremely competitive. The designs help the R&D team perfect their technology quicker while showcasing it to client-side users.